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Site #8 – Castillo de San Marcos

 Castillo de San Marcos (Fort Marion)- Saint Augustine, FL Site Visit #8 - March 11, 2021- Lavinia Lenssen The    Overview of Site:  Our final site visit was to the Castillo de San Marcos National Monument, a fascinating and hard-to-miss structure along the Saint Augustine bayfront. The address to the monument is 1 S Castillo Drive, Saint Augustine, FL, held on former occupied Seminole and Timucua Land. The fort has stood guard in Saint Augustine for over four hundred years, since the late 1600s. It is known today as the oldest masonry fort in the United States. It has been in the hands of several different countries over the years, along with the city itself. The fort has been in control by the Spanish, British, Confederate U.S, and becoming a United States National Monument (National Park Service). While it has been attacked many times, it has never fallen to the ground, it still remains standing today and is a historic tourist destination for visitors coming in fr...

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